Thursday, September 15, 2016

Stay Focused, Stay Humble, Kick Butt

Yesterday, I worked out with my awesome trainer (Coach Troy Eichers) and I learned many things and remembered may more...

I walked in with a little swagger, if you can call it that. I've lost close to 50lbs, I'm excercising more, I'm feeling better, I've cut most of the crap out of my diet, I'm awesome. Then the workout started...and it was HARD. I made the mistake of only really focusing on my cardio endurance. Yes, I lifted weights, but not a lot, and even when I did I just did the things I knew I was good at. Troy pushed me and motivated me to push harder than I thought I could.

I remembered the awesome feeling after a truly grueling workout... I remember the pain that comes the next morning. I remember the migraine that comes when you forget to drink water!

My workout wasn't perfect, and I needed to stop and catch my breath a few times, the thing that stuck out was what coach said throughout the training. Remember this day. Remember how hard it was to start (again) and don't stop. Continue to challenge your body 24/7/365. I went home with a migraine after that session... I was humbled, (and hurting a bit) but refocused and ready to go. 12 weeks left... let's go!

Thank you Angela for pushing me to work with Troy, and thank you Coach for knowing the right buttons to push. I needed that!

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