Thursday, July 7, 2016

Month 1 - Whew That Was Fast

We are officially through month 1. It's been crazy... Absolutely crazy. Through month one I've been struggling at times and on top of this whole "life change" thing at times too. (Mostly on top of it promise!)

In one month my migraines have stopped from the soda with-drawls. I was so addicted to soda that I would have a migraine if I didn't have "enough" soda during a day. Now I feel lighter, and after week one the migraines are gone! I won't say that i don't crave a tasty cherry zero now and again... or every day... Especially on the stressful days. That was my coping mechanism. It was my routine. But routines can change. I've also found Green Tea with a TINY bit of Stevia to help as well :). It's practical (cheaper) and mostly better for me. Not perfect, but better!

The food has been pretty good. Some days are awesome & some days are just ok. But I can totally tell a difference in the way my body is reacting to the food. It's real food minus all the crap I would put on top of it (salt, sauce etc..) Yes, I said sauce. I'm not sure how Angela & I get along. Speaking of Angela..

My wife is my best friend. I'm not just saying that for points (note I didn't say "brownie" retraining my brain:)). We leaned on  each other a lot, just like we are supposed to do. But now we just get a long so much better. The first few days it was commiserating with each other over the lack of DQ in our diet. But now we push each other. We talk about our food and our plans for the day/week ahead, vs. what time do you want to make/order a pizza. Our relationship was strong before this journey, but through this time together we HAVE to lean on each other. We hold each other up. It's awesome. Really awesome. 

Ok, I'm going to try and post this on Facebook. Even though I thought I never would, and I"m still not really excited about it. In the future I'll try to keep it shorter for those who want to read.

Oh and I've lost 22lbs in 30 days. Holy Shit.

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